Where there is HOPE, There is FAITH,
Where there is FAITH, MIRACLE happen.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Ever heard of it? It is a proverbial phrase encourage optimism and a can-do attitude in the face of adversity.
Who says life is easy?
No...no..., it is one hell of amazing colorful journey and when you fall, just get up again and move on.
It is difficult, yes...
But it is very rewarding when you know how to take every step with you own sweat and effort.
Ketika kenyataan hidup terasa begitu getir, selalu ada kesempatan untuk membalikkan keadaan, walau terkadang kita sulit melihat kondisi keadaan itu. Tetapi berusahalah untuk selalu melihat hal yang baik dalam setiap perkara, setidaknya itulah yang dapat kita lakukan sebagai ucapan syukur kepada Sang Kuasa yang telah memberikan kita hidup. Dengan membuat melihat setiap permasalahan lebih sederhana, melihat dari sisi positifnya dan bersangka baik pada takdir Tuhan. When you are at the lowest point in your life, when you almost give up and think that nothing you can do, when you feel so broken and hopeless.. Remember, for everything has destined to us, there must be a reason.
Happiness is not about having the perfect life and be a perfect person.
Happiness is appreciating what you have and to love yourself for your imperfections.
No one has a perfect life, nor a heart free of worries, or a mind free from burdens. But there is the person who prays to God and smiles. Nothing lasts forever, life is temporary. Even the joy and the misery shall meet their ends, one day..
I may not always have the best things in life, but I always have the blessed things in life.
Each experience helps us to grow, learn and reach beyond what we thought we were capable of. Life isn’t going to be perfect, there will be moments that knock us off our feet and require us to dig deep within our soul to carry on.
Biarkan orang lain bahkan orang yang kau pikir adalah sahabat/teman, ternyata membicarakan dan berpikir negatif tentang mu.., karena mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka perbuat. Maka aku memaafkan kalian, walaupun ternyata aku salah mengenal kalian. Tetapi.., inilah hidup.
The greatest test of faith is when you don't get what you want, but still you are able to say, thank you Lord.
This will be over, nothing lasts forever.
Days will be brighter, and things will get better.
picture design by: yohanafransiskalily
Jakarta, 19 Oktober 2015
When I'm down